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RED (Kurzversion)
A duet about femininity
Does femininity mean sexy? Are red lips an invitation to kiss? Two women and a lipstick analyse female stereotypes and fight against cultural inscriptions. The red lips smearing more and more as the two dancers fight to keep control over their body and their independence.
Length: about 45 minutes
There are also shorter versions of RED.
Choreography: Audrey Wagner, Linda Heller
Dance: Audrey Wagner, Linda Heller
Costume: Jamina Dervishaj
Outside-Eye: Sonia Rocha
Light Design: Raphael Vuilleumier
Technique: Jon Brunke
Graphic: Larissa Streule
All performances
10. Oktober 2019 | openSpace netzwerkTanz | Hard (AT)
Weitere Vorstellungen:
07. Mai 2022 | Performance Tag Kunsthalle Arbon | Arbon
28./29. Oktober 2021 | Jungkunst | Winterthur
04. September 2021 | Doppelabend Theater am Gleis | Winterthur
08. März 2020 | Internationaler Frauentag Theater ONO | Bern
07. März 2020 | Löwenarena | Sommeri
02. November 2019 | Nationale Herbstkonferenz Business and Professional Women (BPW) | Romanshorn